(2 F, 1 NB)

The people on this stage love to BUY GOODS and WEAR MAKEUP and EAT CHEESEBURGER, just like you! 

Come experience the feeling of ONE HUNDRED BEES.

[Soon to be published by Concord Theatricals/Samuel French as part of Theater Masters' Take Ten Vol. IX]

Staged Reading - Robert Moss Theater (NYC); Theater Masters' Take Ten, 2023

Directed by Violeta Picayo


EL - Nora Kaye

EM - Jackie Rivera

ECK - Arielle Yoder

Stage Directions Reader - Lulu Guzman

Stage Manager - Kat Sloan Garcia

Workshop Production - Philip Chosky Theater (Pittsburgh, PA); CMU's Playground Festival of Student-Created Work, 2022

Directed by Katie Mae Ryan


EL - Katie Mae Ryan

EM - Mo Cambron

ECK - Mackenzie Wrap

Lighting Design - Allison McSwain

Sound Design - Angie Zarrilli